Banana Bars

Banana Bars

I have made these bars for years. They are a real hit in our home and a there are never any left when I take them to a potluck. Once iced they freeze well.



1/2 Cup softened butter

1 ½ Cups sugar

2 Beaten eggs

1 Cup sour cream

1 Teaspoon vanilla

2 Cups all-purpose flour

1 Teaspoon baking soda

¼ Teaspoon salt

1 Cup mashed bananas (about 2 bananas)

8 Ounces softened cream cheese

½ Cup softened butter

2 Teaspoons vanilla

1 to 4 Cups confectioners’ sugar


In your mixer bowl, cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs, sour cream and vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda and salt. Add gradually to the butter and sugar. Stir in bananas. Spread into a greased sheet cake pan (1/2 sheet size). Bake at 350* for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool.

Icing: Cream butter, cheese and vanilla, beat in sugar until the desired consistency is achieved. Ice bars and store in the refrigerator or freeze.


Prep Time

Cooking Time